UNIDENTIFIED FLYING 

An unidentified flying object or ufo is a most popular and most important topic in this century.
        Because UFO is very unexplainable things. anyone couldn't explain this mystery untill. We konw our science is growing day by day.
        But UFO is a mystery untill. Because science can't explain this untill.

      What's this mystrious things? Where its come from?  Many people believed that alians are used UFO for transportation.
Many pepole are collecting evidence about UFO. Some Evidence are very strong.

Some of the top UFO Account include...

Roswell - This is the most talk about cases. This happened in mid-1947. Onlookers described the crash of an UFO.

Tunguska event- Some people believe that the tunguska event is an UFO sighting. This happened 30 june 1908.

Next post÷ Unidentified creatures Part 1

